Since 1993, John and Wendy Cooney have owned the Quogue Life Saving Station, later becoming the Quogue Coast Guard Station. After living in the Station as a Summer rental in 1993, the Cooney’s fell in love with the building and began to research its history, and if it could be possibly some day be purchased. Fortuitously, the original purchasers of the building from the USCG, the Calloway Family, of Princeton, New Jersey, were at the same time considering selling. The Calloway’s were long time residents of Quoque, and several generations grew up in the Old Station. The property for many years was affectionately known as “Under Dune”, and was also a beloved summer rental to many generations of beach goers. After purchasing the property, and undertaking several years of restoration, the Cooney Family is now the “Keeper” of the old Quogue Station. Our purpose is historic preservation. We hope that many future generations can share in the Maritime History that sits right on our shores.